A Cat of Tindalos

A Cat of Tindalos

Monday, May 20, 2024

EZD6 Tomb of The Evil Philosopher Revised

A little more roleplay, a little less deadly. Better suited to new EZD6 players...

The Tomb of the Evil Philosopher EZD6 (v3a)

The grave’s a fine and private place,
But none, I think, do there embrace.

“To His Coy Mistress” –By Andrew Marvell
(Engraved on the door to the Evil Philosopher’s Tomb)

An EZ D6 Adventure by Mark Tygart. The EZ D6 TTRPG may be obtained from DriveThruRPG.com.


A six decades or more has gone by and the tomb carved into Unholy Hill has refused to yield its treasures. Scholars can attest to its antiquity but little else besides that and the fact that a few groups of adventurers have tried to raid it and have never returned! Can your bold group of tomb robbers do any better?


A century ago, the followers of the twisted theologian known only as “The Evil Philosopher” entombed his remains, treasure, and a few of his “lucky” students into the Unholy Hill. Unfortunately for them the Evil Philosopher’s cult was an esoteric and intellectually demanding one and the fashions of evil have recently evolved to favor gross physical vices and simple bloodlust. As the consequence the Evil Philosopher is currently undisturbed in his tomb and now long forgotten…

Unholy Hill

The hill is surrounded by an untended “potter’s field” graveyard where the destitute, suicides and executed criminals were buried long ago. Recently the last of the Evil Philosopher’s followers was buried here and a group of three drunken graverobbers are digging up his grave, searching for rumored treasure buried with corpse. Each Graverobber has only a single strike and attacks with a bane and hits only on a 5 or 6 due to extreme drunkenness. If they open the fresh grave, they will free a mindless and hungry Zombie (Strikes: 2 To Hit:3 Slow, Undead +4 hit players/no crit) which will attack everyone present. The robbers have a case of rotgut hooch the players could use very effectively later against the Hanging Tree as Molotov cocktails. (Award karma for thinking of this and/or creative ways to nonviolently neutralize the Graverobbers.)
The Hanging Tree stays inanimate (unless attacked) if the group approaches until they are at the riddle door and fail the riddle.

The Hanging Tree

A huge and ancient withered tree with corpses hanging from it…

Strikes: 7

To Hit: 2

∞ Attacks: Two nooses will try to grapple a target and a strangle. If the “target” takes all its strikes it is not dead but merely unconscious. The target is undamaged the first round but takes a strike every round thereafter if not freed by a save or another player using a strike to cut them loose (which does not usually damage the tree). Players will be transformed into an undead monster of some sort in three days if not otherwise rescued.

∞The tree is terribly slow, and fire does double damage. Also when aflame the tree will automatically suffer a fire strike per turn while aflame. It is fairly easy to retreat and destroy it from a safe distance with either magic, missiles or flame.

The Evil Philosopher’s followers planted this horror to guard his tomb and sacrificed students of evil here who failed their exams for many years to honor his memory…

This is an undead tree formed by the hanging of the innocent from its limbs during a magical ritual. It will try to strangle its victim with various ropes and nooses from its limbs and drain them of all life. Bodies that eventually fall from the tree often become undead monsters as well (Game Master’s choice). The tree is currently dormant and will only awake if attacked or if someone is trying to enter the tomb and fails the riddle.

Tomb Entrance (Riddle Door)

The tomb’s door is sentient and magical. It will only allow entry to a group that can answer its riddle. Otherwise, it does everything it can to misdirect, confuse and block the party from the tomb. It can be destroyed like an ordinary heavy stone door, but it will scream like a young woman being attacked. If this happens awakening the slumbering undead Hanging Tree which will creep up from behind and attack the group.

Door’s Riddle:

Imagine you are in a dark room. How do you get out? (Answer: Stop Imagining) The player who correctly guesses this should be awarded karma.

Created to guard the tomb, this magic door will only open to the answer of the riddle. The door will tell its riddle and the party can guess the answer as many times as it wants. Otherwise, it will delight in foiling intruders by sending them on false quests, directing them to traps or simply wasting the party's time… Also, the slumbering undead Hanging Tree will eventually attack from behind.

The entire tomb is dimly lit with eerie blue flames from magic torches which may not be removed from the walls.

Level One

Corridor of Pillars and Calligraphy

A hall elaborated decorated with treatises carved into the walls with beautiful calligraphy and pillars in multiple languages about the “Problem of Evil.” The Problem of Evil refers to the question of how to reconcile the existence of evil with an omnibenevolent, omniscient, and omnipotent God. An argument from evil posits that the co-existence of evil and such a God are unlikely at best or impossible because evil exists, and innocents suffer. Besides philosophy of religion, the Problem of Evil is also important to the field of theology and ethics. If any player engages with the issues and mentions a solution to the problem that player will be blessed with all their rolls gaining a boon for the rest of the adventure along with character gaining a halo (Glowing Nimbus) for the same period. (In this case any decent answer to The Problem of Evil will do. An example would be: Free Will.) This will only apply to the first character or player that provides a solution and only if it is said when the player is in this room.

At the end of the hall is a carefully concealed secret door to the Mummy’s Lair. It can only be opened by the Mummy inside. The Evil Philosopher’s girlfriend and best student was “honored” by being transformed and set here to guard her boyfriend’s crypt. She will rush behind the adventurer’s once they descend the staircase and try to engage the last party member from behind when the group is distracted by the false tombs on the next level. Her lair has her nest, a map of the tomb and three levers that if pulled will disable the traps on Level Three. It can be easily accessed once she has opened it. The Mummy (Strikes: 3 To Hit:4 Slow, Silent, Undead 1 Her strangle attack will automatically damage her victim a strike in next round unless monster is hit) will pursue interlopers relentlessly until destroyed.

Level Two

Corridor of the Two Tombs

This level includes two elaborate and trapped crypts designed to distract the party so the Mummy can eliminate while the party is distracted looting them. The crypts are enchanted to radiate magic strongly and both are trapped with a heavy mist release that will cloak the Mummy (Strikes:3 To Hit:4 Slow, Silent, Undead 1 attack strangle will automatic damage victim in next turn unless monster is hit) adding a bane to hit it in this chamber if the trap is not disarmed. If they open any of the tombs, they will free a mindless Acolyte Skeleton (Strikes: 2 To Hit: 3 Slow, Undead) which will attack. Each was a former student of the Evil Philosopher but has no treasure.

Level Three

Corridor of the Three Traps

This hallway has three deadly traps: A pairs of Swinging Scythes, a Collection of Crushing Ceiling Spikes, and a Spike Filled Pit. All three may be disabled by the hidden levers in the Mummy’s Lair and cause a strike of damage if activated.

Level Four

Tomb of the Evil Philosopher

The Evil Philosopher will arise from his throne and confront any foolish enough to enter his lair!

Evil Philosopher

A cloaked skeletal figure with glittering red eyes of flame dressed in a tattered cloak and garments orbited by fluttering ghostly creatures…

An Evil Philosopher is the undead spirit of an evil cleric who died with some important philosophical deliberation yet unresolved in his or her mind. In its undead state, this creature does nothing but ponder these weighty matters. The philosopher appears as a seated, smoke-colored, insubstantial figure swathed in robes. It always seems deep in thought. Flying surrounding the philosopher are a number (1d4) of tiny, luminous, wispy incorporeal creatures known as Malices. They have vaguely human faces, gaping maws, and spindly, clawed hands. These vindictive creatures are the philosopher’s evil thoughts, which have taken on substance and a will of their own. They are constantly muttering the vile musings of their creator. (In this case “Why does evil exist?) The Evil Philosopher (Strikes 5, to Hit 4 or 5) cannot be turned but has no attack of its own; it will not defend itself. Unlike the philosopher, Malices constantly search for victims on which to vent their petty but eternal spite. Malices do not stray more than 120 feet from their philosopher but may pass through the narrowest of openings in their ceaseless flight. A Malice is immune to being turned and may not be damaged while its creator exists. However, all these creatures vanish instantly if their philosopher is turned or destroyed. When an Evil Philosopher falls, it looks up with an expression of malicious enlightenment on its face, and then vanishes with a lingering shriek of evil delight. This will also happen if someone gives it answer to the question that created it, in this case the question of evil. Any Malices will regenerate within a few hours if the philosopher is not destroyed.

The Treasure Vault

Upon the extinction of the Evil Philosopher the secret door behind the tomb crumbles to dust revealing a treasure vault holding a massive chest of gold and gems, enough to make the entire party wealthy.

The unlocked treasure chest also includes three famous magical items:

The Illuminating Eye

An unbreakable crystal sphere that holds a mystical arcane eye floating closed in mysterious amber fluid. When commanded to open by its owner the sphere levitates and acts like a Nimbus of Light. The illumination reveals secret doors, traps, invisible creatures, hidden objects and detects illusions.

Babylon Candle

How many miles to Babylon?
Four score miles and ten.
Can I get there by candlelight?
There and back again.
Yes, if your heels are nimble and light,
You can get there by candlelight.

A player must light this black candle’s brilliant white flame, thinking of where they wish to go. The user crosses leagues with a flash, bringing them to their destination far quicker than if they were to travel on foot normally. Players holding hands can transport an entire group.

Codex of Mysterious Magic

The first adventurer to read this mysterious runic text successfully will gain the talent “Hedge Wizard.” After which the tome vanishes in a puff of lavender smoke and blue flame. It will appear to have blank pages to adventurers that already have that skill.

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