A Cat of Tindalos

A Cat of Tindalos

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

EZD6 Goblin Gully Conversion


Goblin Gully EZD6

An Adventure by Dyson Logos

Conversion Notes to EZD6 by Mark Tygart

Download at https://dysonlogos.blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/onepagedungeon-goblin-gully.pdf


Everyone in the area knows of the old slave pit in the ravine outside of town. It fell into disuse with the collapse of the Old Empire, and only the occasional group of adolescent would-be adventurers ever goes there anymore. But then a nearby farm was found ransacked; and that family is now missing. And now someone or thing has rebuilt the bridge between the two sides of the old slave pit.

Why should the players care? Well it seems that each has a truly monstrous bar tab at The Merry Mermaid Tavern after an epic night of drink and debauchery with little or no funds to pay in the brutal light of dawn. Fortunately the tavern owner is willing to forgive the debt if the players will investigate the ravine and determine the fate of his sister’s family.


Roll 1d12 for rumors on the table below. Each adventurer from town knows one rumors, while visitors can learn 1d2 rumors by asking around.

1-2. The pits have been taken over by goblin raiders. (True)

3. There are secret areas in the old slave pits that have never been explored since they were abandoned. (True)

4-5. The family had a magic axe among their stolen possessions. (False)

6-7. The slave pits are run by abandoned mutant slaves. (False)

8. There is a secret entrance into pits at the bottom of the ravine. (False)

9. Creepy leftovers of ancient imperial experiments still lurk in the depths of the slave pit. (True)

10-11. The main entrance to the pit is a cave now overgrown by a huge tree. (True)

12.It's not goblins or mutants in the pits, but one of the boys in town who was abandoned there and has gone feral. (False)

1. Entrance – two goblins are up in the tree watching for approaching trouble. The downside is they can't do much about it except attack – their position makes it unlikely that they will be able to get down warning their companions when attacked.

2. Empty Antechamber

3. Grand Hall – this 40-foot-wide chamber has columns along each wall and is home to 4 goblins. The entrance to area 4 requires climbing through the mouth of a relief carving of a huge demon.

4. West Bridge Room – 2 goblins with short bows in here fire into any battles in area 3 and otherwise guard the bridge (area 5).

5. The Bridge – this rope and wood bridge was built by the goblins, but the supports for it are ancient carved stone. While dangerous looking, the bridge is quite sturdy and safe. Moving on the bridge is at quarter speed at best and can only be done in a single file. Falling into the ravine will cost a player a strike.

6. Gully Floor – looking through the reeds along the stream at the base of the gully will reveal the long-decomposed body of an adolescent male, missing from town for 2 years after being pushed into the ravine by his “friends” long before the goblins rebuilt the bridge.

7. Empty Chamber – a goblin in area 8 watches for intruders to spring a surprise attack on them – preferably when they head down to area 11.

8. Boss' Chambers – the goblins climb in and out of this room through a narrow shaft, usually using a rope attached to a ring in the floor. There are 4 goblins here as well as their leader: an enormous Bugbear. This Bugbear has been around for a while. He has cobbled together a full suite of armor for itself. The smaller goblins will follow him without question, at least while he can fight.

The second room is the leader's personal room The farm family (father, mother, daughter) is tied up within along with an unlocked chest holding two healing potions brewed by the goblins and a scroll that should be randomly rolled by the GM. There is also a map to another dungeon! The Bugbear has not decided whether to devour the family or sell them to slavers. Currently the family is terrified but unharmed.

9. Secret Chamber – the goblins have not discovered this secret room. The secret door is trapped and drops a heavy rock in the opening a few seconds after being pushed open. Whoever opens the door must make a save or suffer 1 strike of damage. The room holds the skeletons of two elven guards equipped with rusted (worthless) chainmail, helmets and each has a magically preserved (but otherwise non-magical) enchanted sword that glows with continual light (as per a nimbus of light). It will harm creatures that require magical weapons to damage them but otherwise provides no bonus.

10. Secret Storage – this room has barrels of ancient, ruined arrows and there are the remains of bows and swords on the walls. On the back wall of the room is a crystal statue of an elven warrior that will animate that will attack anyone who disturbs the contents of the room.

11. Barracks – another 6 goblins live down at the base of these spiral stairs. The goblins in area 8 will sneak down to attack anyone heading down the stairs. The door to area 12 is barred from this side.

12. The Pit – the bottom of this room is flooded and 50 feet below the entrance. A set of narrow spiral stairs lead down to the alcoves just above the water level. Once the door is open a gurgling, sloshing sound can be heard from below. The pit is home to a putrescent mutant mass of flesh – the last remnant of an arcane experiment. It is treated as a black pudding but is far more terrifying, looking horrific as its putrescent appendages grow and are then continually reabsorbed. Players seeing it for the first time must make a saving roll or flee. If they do not think to bolt the door, the creature may be free to destroy the town...



2 Strikes, 4 to Hit

Large, hairy humanoids that crave battle.

• 1 attack (Morningstar, javelin)

• Boon to melee

• Quiet and stealthy, likes to ambush targets (boon to stealth)

• If a bugbear surprises a targets and scores a hit, it crits on a roll of 5+

Crystal Statute

Magical guardian from a lost empire

2 Strikes, 3 to Hit

• 1 attack (crystal sword)

• Slow

• Mindless construct blindly following arcane commands

• Requires neither food nor drink


Small humanoids that are individually weak, but powerful in numbers.

1 Strike, 3 to hit

• 1 attack (sword, bow)

• Hide - boon to hide; may use this effect after an attack if reasonable cover is available

Terrifying Putrescent Mutant Mass of Flesh (Black Pudding)

See above

3 Strikes, 4 to Hit

• 1 attack (Pseudopod)

• Corrode Metal - any non-magical or non-silvered weapon corrodes; player takes Bane on all melee attacks using that weapon

• Pseudopod - if target is wearing non-magical metal armor, target must take a bane to all armor save rolls

• Splatter - if hit with normal weapons, the ooze splatters onto nearby characters and dissolves any armor making all armor saves 6 with a bane. Also, the ooze splits into 2 different oozes, each with 3 strikes each.

• Sensitive to Fire - fire damage does 2 strikes per hit to the black pudding

• Fear-the first time a player sees the pudding he or she must make a saving roll or flee.

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