Zenopus' Library

Fellow Travellers

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Gnoles and Gebbelins

These monster conversions were inspired by DCC Module Gnole House (in the DCC Quickstart Rules) which could act as as a neat prequel to my own Gibbelin Job Starter... 


Lesser Gnole
Group, Organized, Hoarder
Brutal Weapon (d8 damage) 6 HP 0 armor
Special Qualities: Cannibal, Evil Merchants
Gnoles go through two distinct life phases and lesser gnoles are the first stage. Lesser gnoles are man-sized, hulking creatures with a physique reminiscent of an ape. They have rubbery flesh covered with coarse, dark hair, and beady, piggish eyes of bright red. Lesser gnoles don’t typically wear clothing, but enjoy accessories such as hats, scarves, sashes, and oversized boots when they can find them. Their tongues are long and ribbon-like, and they can understand but not speak the Common tongue, communicating with one another in a complex language of purrs, whines, whistles, trills, and grunts. All gnoles live in family groups that mimic human society to the point of parody. They fight with clubs, axes, spears, and other brutal but simple weapons.
Instinct: Devour Humans!

Collects items
Summon other gnoles with whistle
Inspired by the DCC Module Gnole House

Greater Gnole
Solitary, Large
Tentacles (d10 damage) 16 HP 1 armor
Special Qualities: Gem Eyes, Tribal Gnole Leader
If a gnole is lucky enough to survive a century or more, it undergoes a metamorphosis, transforming into a greater gnole. Greater gnoles typically stand 7’ tall, but can grow up to twice that size. Their bodies are oval in shape, with nodules of rubbery flesh protruding from their torsos and abdomens. Greater gnoles lose their coarse fur, revealing its naked, slate gray skin. Their arms become tentacles and their ears are grown over with folds of flesh, rendering them largely deaf. Even stranger, the eyes of a greater gnole transform into faceted gemstones and can be removed from their sockets. These gemstones are often magical and a Greater Gnole will regrow new eyes if his old eyes are lost and will often keep spare sets of "eyes". If these are stolen the Greater Gnole will hunt down the thief with his or her tribe to capture and devour all of the thief and all of his or her comrades.
Instinct: Protect gem eyes

Devour Humans
Produce and protect gemstone eyes
Lead a lesser gnole tribe
Inspired by the DCC Module Gnole House

Group, Small, Intelligent, Hoarder
Weapon (d6 damage) 3 HP 0 armor
Special Qualities: Cannibal, Wealthly in gems, Collecter
Short, ochre-colored humanoids with broad noses, catlike ears, and four-fingered hands. Gibbelins are a race of short humanoids said to be related to evil gnomes. Gibbelins dwell in the darkest of forests andin shallow caves under hills. They are intrigued by all manner of tools, weapons, and fancy clothing. The gnoles accumulate all these items from their victims and trade regularly with the gibbelins to acquire the green crystals they admire.
Instinct: Devours humans

Mines gems
Collects human items
Trades with gnoles
Inspired by the DCC Module Gnole House

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